Purdue to add hypersonics research center to technology mix

Purdue to add hypersonics research center to technology mix
Purdue to add hypersonics research center to technology mix

WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. — A new hypersonics research center with a focus on developing, “high-temperature materials and creating new manufacturing processes to build and join these materials,” will soon be added to Purdue University.

This new Hypersonics Advanced Manufacturing Technology Center  will stand as a single location at Purdue for its industry partners including: GE Additive; Dynetics; Lockheed Martin; Aerojet Rocketdyne; GE Edison Works; Boeing and several small businesses, according to a release from Purdue.

HAMTC will work on materials and manufacturing innovations and provide testing access at Purdue, that will enable the U.S. to “overtake near peer adversaries in the field,” the release states.

For background information, air resistance at hypersonic speeds – more than five times the speed of sound – creates very hot temperatures. This causes surface level reactions that break down materials.
